Professional Jobs With a Lot of Travel

Beingness stuck behind a desk or in a cubicle from nine to 5 can be irksome, specially when you're dreaming of adventuring to far-off places. Most regular people get a reprieve from the rat race for merely two weeks each twelvemonth when they take vacations to reset. They spend the rest of their time getting work done and dreaming of the opportunity to explore strange lands and new cultures.

Instead of working at a job where yous can merely travel once or twice a year, why not get a task that requires travel as one of your duties? This fashion, y'all can explore the world while earning coin and building your career.

Jobs Where You Can Travel

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2018, 25% of employees did a office or all of their work from home. That'south upwardly from 19% in 2003, and in the COVID/ post-COVID world, the trends show many more workers are working remotely and may proceed to do so indefinitely.

Jobs that allow you to travel don't but include remote or work-from-home opportunities. You tin can also earn a living by choosing employment that requires travel as part of the job's duties. Business professionals often have to travel to meet new and existing clients or to attend conferences or shut sales deals. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics states in the same written report that effectually half of management or professional person employees sometimes worked from home in 2018. None of these options sound appealing? Other opportunities include gigs such as housesitting, babysitting or travel writing where you can travel from place to place working.

Join the movement and detect jobs that allow you to travel while working from home or by landing positions that require travel.  To aid you out, we've created a listing of xv jobs that require travel or allow yous to travel as yous work, and then you can become out there and kickoff adventuring.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Flight Attendant

one. Flight Attendant

One of the all-time jobs that permit you to travel is existence a flight attendant. Nigh flight attendants start out in the Usa initially, earlier existence immune to operate longer flights that hit travel destinations such equally Nippon, Canada, and Southeast Asia. Yous'll travel on stunning aircrafts to different countries all while earning a squeamish income and good benefits.

Requirements for being a flight attendant vary among unlike airlines, but most crave you lot to be able to reach the overhead bins and stand on your feet for extended periods of time. Additional experience as a server or in a customer service-facing role is useful for flight attendant applicants.

Skills such as speaking a strange language and CPR grooming are also highly valued past airline hiring managers. Many airlines mail their job opportunities directly on their own websites and it's useful to pick an airline which operates lots of flights from your home airdrome to limit your commute time on flight days.

Flight attendants often work random hours and tin can encounter hard or disruptive passengers too as typical travel disadvantages such equally jet lag. But, equally a advantage for your hard work, you'll earn free or discounted flights for you and close family unit members as well every bit the opportunity to see beautiful places across the world.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Cruise Ship Worker

ii. Cruise Ship Worker

Cruise transport jobs have a reputation for being one of the best jobs where you lot can travel. You become paid to run into the world and interact with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds, all while collecting a salary and receiving gratuitous room and board. Since cruise ships offer about every service imaginable, at that place are chore opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds. You lot tin exist a server in ane of the restaurants, a technician, cashier and even a performer in one of the ship's acts.

Cruise ship piece of work tin can seem like a dream job to people who love to travel, only it too requires a lot of difficult work and long hours. You tin can observe job postings on Cruise Transport Jobs forth with information on whether information technology's the right chore for you lot and what to expect. Cruise ships depart from ports across the globe including popular destinations such as New York and Hawaii, and while you'll work long hours, you are still given free time to explore the cities on your road.

"I've been a sailor, a merchant marine, since I was young," says Location Indie member Jill Friedman of "I got into information technology specifically to travel. I've been all over the earth by sea. I love it for the opportunities it gives me to travel, and also for the large blocks of time off. It can be a fairly well-paid occupation, too. It'due south not virtually as much fun as information technology was a couple of decades agone, but I would yet recommend information technology. I started out as a deckhand/galley paw and managed to work my mode up to captain. There are all sorts of jobs out there (particularly on cruise ships)."

Want to create a dream job for yourself? Enter your electronic mail beneath to become our Behind the Laptop Guide for Costless and discover 10 real stories from people like yous who took action and establish their manner to a life of freedom and travel.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Travel Agent

three. Travel Agent

For many years, the travel agency industry declined as people started going online to book their own flights and vacation packages. Still, in the last few years, the travel industry has made a comeback thanks to its reputation and expertise.

With and so many travel websites offering user feedback and reviews, information technology's hard to differentiate between opinions of seasoned travelers and ane-time visitors. Travel agents, on the other manus, are experts in their industry and can easily tell a client if a certain hotel or locale will be a expert fit for their preferences.

To be a travel amanuensis, you need to have extensive feel travelling the globe. You lot exercise non have to have a certification or license to be a dwelling house-based travel amanuensis, just some states or municipalities require agents to consummate a registration. For this position, skills and experience are more valuable than education degrees. Y'all need to possess practiced attention to item to avoid booking mistakes, and you lot must also exist a great communicator in social club to sympathise and meet client requests.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Customer Service Representative

four. Client Service Agent

Many companies are taking their customer support departments digital, making this a sector that is seeing loftier growth in work-from-home positions. Customer service agents ensure a high-quality customer service experience and address any bug that customers may see.

To qualify for these positions, you need to exist friendly and level-headed as you will be the start point of contact for disgruntled or upset customers. You'll demand to be able to guide customers through a resolution process. Skills required to be successful as a work-from-home customer service agent include fast typing, fast Internet speeds, astute listening skills and a calm demeanor.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Aid Worker

5. International Aid Worker

If you want to brand a departure while you travel, consider being a Peace Corps Volunteer or an aid worker for an international organization such every bit the Red Cantankerous or USAID.

In these positions, y'all'll visit countries across the earth that are in dire need of assistance during wars, famines and in the backwash of natural disasters. Many of these organizations offer a full salary, housing, and pupil loan deferment and the experience will stand out on your resume.

Having a groundwork in wellness, social services, agronomics and international relations is helpful when working with international aid groups. Yous may also exist required to undergo medical evaluations or to become special vaccines and immunizations earlier you're allowed to travel to certain areas.

Working for international aid organizations can be taxing emotionally and physically and yous'll regularly spend weeks at a time in remote locations without admission to bones necessities. The work you will reach will brand a huge deviation in the lives of locals and you lot'll see parts of the world most people don't have access to.

half-dozen. Foreign Service Officer

If you love your country as much as you dearest to travel, you tin can combine your two passions into one rewarding career as a Strange Service officeholder. Just like diplomats, these individuals travel the globe working on complex issues such equally immigration, refugee flows, and disaster assistance while representing the interests of the United States. Many employees interact directly with foreign governments and are assigned to new places every few years.

To qualify for these positions, you must pass the Foreign Service Officer Test and select a career track within the department. Positions are posted at the Department of State website along with guidelines on how to become involved with the Strange Service and how to pick the right career path within the department.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Consultant

7. Consultant

Companies regularly hire consultants to offer insight and advice on how to fix complex bug in their business and industry. The main skill required for consulting is to have specialized knowledge in a particular field. Since this knowledge is so exclusive, a consultant is probable to accept clients dispersed across the land, and frequently across the globe.

Travel is integral to this job since shut relationships with clients are important for maintaining working partnerships. For people who are social and honey to travel, this chore is an ideal manner to run into the globe while earning a great income.

Desire to create a dream job for yourself? Enter your electronic mail below to get our Backside the Laptop Guide for Gratuitous and find 10 real stories from people like you who took action and found their fashion to a life of freedom and travel.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: English Teacher

8. English language Teacher

If English language is your native language and you are familiar with basic instruction concepts and skills, you lot tin become an English language instructor and teach abroad. The main requirements for teaching English generally include having a Available'south Caste and often some teaching experience. The skilful news is that working as a tutor, aide, or report leader tin can qualify as experience and for some companies that's all you need. Some companies will require you to accept a TESOL or CELTA credential so it's important to discover out the requirements before you apply.

There are companies online like VIPKID and DaDaABC that permit you to be an ESL teacher for students in People's republic of china without leaving your home.  Several of our Location Indie members earn a living teaching through companies such every bit these.  All you demand to do is set up a small teaching infinite in your house and the company creates lesson plans and finds students for you. Pay tin can be equally high as $21 for each 45-infinitesimal session and if y'all teach plenty classes, you can plow this into a total-time chore.

9. Au Pair

Ane of the most famous travel jobs is being an au pair. While most common in European countries like French republic, these jobs are prevalent beyond the globe. Websites like InterChange connect au pairs to host families everywhere from America to Australia and New Zealand.

If you're responsible and are skillful with children, this is a great manner to see a foreign country and make money. Au pairs live with a host family in exchange for childcare and assisting children with their homework or shuttling them to after school activities.

Some au pairs too earn an additional salary on top of their complimentary room and board. Many host families bring the au pair on family vacations to exotic destinations so they can help with the children while exploring dissimilar countries.

Tour Guide

10. Tour Guide

Imagine roaming the canals of Venice or tearing through the jungle in a safari jeep while sharing your dearest of travel with similar-minded individuals. As a tour guide, yous tin can travel the world and share your passion for wanderlust with other travellers on holiday. You need to be able to manage large groups of people and a groundwork in history or local knowledge is essential to being successful.

Many tour guides piece of work as freelancers, but there are also larger companies that rent tour guides to run their travel programs. The workload can alter throughout the year and usually features a decorated peak season and a low season where you may not have every bit many tours. If y'all dearest living out of a suitcase and sharing your beloved of places with people, this is a smashing job opportunity to combine with travel.

Location Indie cofounder Jason Moore got his start in the touring industry.  "I was a touring professional for 10+ years managing events and a couple of music tours and worked one summer as a tour guide. It's a fantastic way to go if you lot don't mind having your schedule dictated to you and just want to travel," he says.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Telemedicine

11. Telemedicine

Technology has made information technology possible for healthcare services to be obtained online, which ways y'all tin take your medical career on the go past working from home. Doctors and nurses in many states tin can now prescribe medications online, making visits to the doctor's part less common.

Telemedicine jobs also include psychology and counseling positions that can exist done from the comfort of your and your customer's own homes. You tin can find job postings on websites such equally Soliant, which work to connect prospective employees with new opportunities.

Alternatively, y'all can piece of work as a travel nurse and traverse the country while administering life-saving medicines. Travel nursing jobs typically crave a background in health as well equally residency requirements before being allowed to piece of work remotely.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Writer

12. Author

One of the virtually accessible jobs for traveling the globe is travel writing. As a writer, you tin can cover popular new destinations and off the beaten path locales in blog posts or articles for journals and publications. Globe-renowned sites such as The New York Times, Conde Nast and National Geographic all rent travel writers to report on vacation destination sites effectually the world.

As a reporter for a big publication, you'll travel on the company's dime while highlighting the twelvemonth's best travel destinations and experiences. If yous choose to become a travel blogger, you volition travel and work with local tourism industries and businesses to promote the locations as travel destinations.

If you are a travel author for your own blog, you can share your own experiences abroad and make actress income as a brand administrator and through affiliate links on your website.

Location Indie member Tim Wenger works as a freelance author and has clients both inside and outside the Location Indie community.

Desire to create a dream task for yourself? Enter your e-mail below to become our Behind the Laptop Guide for FREE and notice 10 real stories from people like you who took activity and found their way to a life of freedom and travel.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Ski Instructor

13. Ski Instructor

If you dear the mountains and snow sports, you can combine your passion for the neat outdoors with travel past becoming a ski instructor. Thanks to alternating seasons in dissimilar hemispheres, you lot can spend office of the year as a ski instructor in Argentina and the other part in Nippon.

There are even indoor ski resorts where you lot tin can teach, only in example in that location's a warm winter and not enough snow at the traditional resorts. You can teach different ski styles from slopestyle and park to telemark and alpine skiing.

Resorts across the globe from Canada and New Zealand to Republic of chile and Switzerland hire seasonal ski instructors. Most resorts require some form of certification and there are different levels, which let you to teach anybody from first-time skiers to advanced backcountry terrain. It'due south all-time to get certified in the state in which you desire to teach and to obtain certifications before applying.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Engineer

xiv. Engineer

If yous have software or computer engineering skills, you can earn a living by working remotely as an engineer and travelling the world. Many digital nomads are developers or graphic designers, like Location Indie member Kelly Claus, who build websites while living in places like Chiang Mai, Thailand of Seoul, South Korea. To be successful in this career path, you'll demand to have a computer scientific discipline or applied science degree.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Scuba Instructor

15. Scuba Diving Teacher

The vast oceans on Planet World characteristic a whole other world for you to explore. As a scuba diving instructor, you'll see worlds of animals that but exist in a few places, and teach the nuts of diving to new students.

You can swoop with sharks off the coast of Due south Africa, sentinel the manta rays feast off the declension of Indonesia and explore shipwrecks beneath the surface of the sea. Scuba diving instructors can select from many different locations ranging from the Arctic and Antarctic to warm, tropical waters and fifty-fifty the Dead Sea.

Becoming a scuba diving teacher is not cheap and the entire process takes several months, so if this is the path yous cull, make sure to gene in enough time for training and certification. PADI requires applicants to exist certified open up water divers for at to the lowest degree half dozen months earlier they tin start training as instructors. Alternatively, SSI requires a minimum of 75 logged dives equally well equally SSI Dive Control Level or PADI Dive Master certifications earlier y'all tin can enroll in the instructor course.

Another h2o-related option is lifeguarding.  "After dropping out of college I went back to working equally a lifeguard," says Location Indie member Mitko Karshovski from "Although it's not the most glamorous job in the world, as long as you do not sign a salary contract yous can piece of work in the summertime and get tons of hours and overtime and so use that money to hit the route for some fourth dimension. If you get a job with a lifeguard staffing company similar I did, then you lot can return in the winter and piece of work at some other site like an indoor pool. Like I said, not the almost glamorous job, but no i ever told me I couldn't get out for a few weeks or months."

Start Exploring

Now that you lot've seen the possibilities, you tin starting time assessing which skills you possess and how you lot can turn those into a career where you can travel. At Location Indie, we're here to help you along the fashion! Check out our blog for tips and tricks on everything from travel destinations to travel health insurance. Our community is another swell place to make friends and become answers to your travel and work questions.

Y'all may decide that working remotely is the best solution for you, or perhaps you love company culture and prefer to explore the globe past working in a position that requires all-encompassing travel. Any you cull to do, think to exist realistic about what it means to travel and work at the aforementioned fourth dimension.

Condign a digital nomad or a location contained employee means you lot'll have to time to explore the world while edifice your career and chasing your passions. Call back that travel jobs don't have to exist permanent.

If you want to exam out the lifestyle before committing to it, attempt choosing one of the seasonal travel jobs such as a tour guide, cruise worker or ski instructor to get your feet wet. Finding a chore that allows you to travel enables you lot to combine your passions and encounter the world, one job at a time.

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