Why Social Media Is Used for Advertising

Social media marketing is a powerful way for businesses of all sizes to reach prospects and customers. People discover, learn about, follow, and shop from brands on social media, so if y'all're non on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, y'all're missing out! Slap-up marketing on social media can bring remarkable success to your business, creating devoted brand advocates and even driving leads and sales.

In this complete guide to social media marketing, yous're going to learn:

  • What social media marketing is, with benefits, stats, and tips.
  • How to build a social media marketing strategy and a plan to acquit information technology out.
  • The 7 best social media marketing platforms and how to use them

best social media marketing platforms compared

Click to view total-size.

Table of contents

  • What is social media marketing?
  • Benefits of social media marketing
  • Social media marketing statistics
  • Social media marketing strategy
  • Creating your social media marketing program
  • Social media marketing tips
  • The best social media marketing platforms
  • Social media marketing courses
  • Social media marketing services

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is a grade of digital marketing that leverages the ability of pop social media networks to reach your marketing and branding goals. Simply it'south not merely about creating business accounts and posting when you feel like it. Social media marketing requires an evolving strategy with measurable goals and includes:

  • Maintaining and optimizing your profiles.
  • Posting pictures, videos, stories, and live videos that stand for your brand and concenter a relevant audience.
  • Responding to comments, shares, and likes and monitoring your reputation.
  • Following and engaging with followers, customers, and influencers to build a community around your brand.

Social media marketing also includes paid social media advertizing, where you tin can pay to accept your business organization appear in front of large volumes of highly targeted users.

what is social media marketing - the five fundamentals

Benefits of social media marketing

With such widespread usage and versatility, social media is one of the almost effective complimentary channels for marketing your business concern today. Here are some of the specific benefits of social media marketing:

  • Humanize your business concern: Social media enables you to turn your business into an agile participant in your market. Your profile, posts, and interactions with users form an outgoing persona that your audience can familiarize and connect with, and come to trust.
  • Drive traffic: Betwixt the link in your contour, blog post links in your posts, and your ads, social media is a top channel for increasing traffic to your website where yous can convert visitors into customers.
  • Generate leads and customers: You tin can also generate leads and conversions straight on these platforms, through features similar Instagram/Facebook shops, direct messaging, call to action buttons on profiles, and appointment booking capabilities.
  • Increase brand awareness: The visual nature of social media platforms allows you to build your visual identity across vast audiences and and amend brand awareness. And better make sensation means meliorate results with all your other campaigns.
  • Build relationships: These platforms open upward both direct and indirect lines of communication with your followers through which y'all can network, gather feedback, hold discussions, and connect straight with individuals.

benefits of social media marketing

The bigger and more engaged your audience is on social media networks, the easier it will exist for you to achieve your marketing goals.

Social media marketing statistics

With regard to the benefits above, don't only have our give-and-take for it. Permit's accept a look at some social media marketing statistics that testify its power:

  • The average Us adult spends 2.25 hours on social media every day.
  • Over seventy% of people who accept a positive experience with a concern on social media will recommend that business to their networks.
  • Facebook users click on 12 Facebook ads on average every calendar month.
  • 81% of people use Instagram to research products and services.
  • Almost 80% of Twitter users experience more than positive about a business organisation when they get a response to their tweet.
  • 4 out of v people on LinkedIn drive concern decisions.
  • 46% of TikTok users engage in the app without any other distractions.

social media marketing statistics

The essentials of a successful social media marketing strategy

A successful social media marketing strategy will expect unlike for every business organization, but here are the things they will all take in mutual:

  • Cognition of your audience: What platforms they use, when they get on them and why, what content they similar, who else they're following, and more.
  • Brand identity: What is the message you lot want to convey to your audience? How do y'all want them to experience when viewing your content?
  • Content strategy: While there is a level of spontaneity on social, you'll need a structured content strategy to exist able to have a consequent vocalization and produce quality content regularly.
  • Analytics: Quantifiable insights will inform your strategy, including who you're reaching, the right content to share, the all-time times to post, and more than.
  • Regular activity: Social media is a real-time platform. If you want to use it to grow your business, you demand to postal service regularly, stay on top of engagements with your business organisation, appoint back, go on up with trends, and maintain accurate profiles.
  • Inbound approach: Don't utilize social media to pitch your business. Focus on adding value through useful and interesting content and building upwards those effectually you. This, in turn, will organically promote your business and others volition promote it for you.

    social media marketing - 70/20/10 rule

    For more aid, head to our Like shooting fish in a barrel Guide to Social Media for Small Businesses

    Creating your social media marketing plan

    At present that y'all know the essentials of a social media marketing strategy, it's time to put it into action. Your social media marketing plan is the roadmap to carrying out your strategy. Information technology puts structure around your efforts and then you tin can measure your success and make sure y'all're spending your resource wisely. Here's how to create your social media marketing plan:

    1. Choose your platforms: Cull based on your target audience, platforms popular for your manufacture, as well as your bandwidth. Only take on the number of platforms you can actively keep upwards with. You tin can ever start with one and so add together on more slowly as you become the hang of them.
    2. Set goals and objectives: These should exist simple and task-like to start, like mail in one case a day for a month, get your profiles fix up, or do a competitive assay. Once you get into a rhythm and gather insights, you'll be able to set more specific and strategic goals like increase your following by Ten% or publish Ten [content types you've found your audition likes] per month.
    3. Report and suit regularly: Use each platform's analytics to identify which posts generate the most engagement, whether you're getting more followers, and to see your audience demographics. Harness and scale upward what works and zip what doesn't.

    Social media marketing tips

    Ready to get started with marketing on social media? Here are a few social media marketing tips to kick off your social media campaigns.

    Create various content

    Consistent with other areas of online marketing, content reigns supreme when information technology comes to social media marketing. Make sure you mail service regularly and offering truly valuable information that your ideal customers volition find helpful and interesting. This includes:

    • How-tos, quick tips
    • Local and industry news
    • Data and insights
    • Polls, questions, contests
    • Updates and announcements

    It as well means making utilise of the diverseness of formats social media offers, including images, videos, stories, live streams, online stores, and more.

    social media marketing tips - diverse content examples

    For help with creating awesome social media content:

    • Cheque out our guides on Instagram Live, Facebook Live, and YouTube Alive.
    • Effort out these 6 Epic Instagram Story Hacks You'll Wish You lot Knew Sooner.
    • Use templates! Like these Vacation & Christmas Social Media Post Templates.

    Stay consistent

    Using social media for marketing enables your business to project your brand paradigm beyond a variety of different social media platforms. While each platform has its own unique environment and phonation, your business organisation'due south cadre identity, whether it'due south friendly, fun, or trustworthy, should stay consistent.

    Don't merely post—participate

    In other words, don't simply log in once a calendar month to schedule out all your posts. Social media channels are communities. You lot demand to pay attending to who's engaging with your content and appoint dorsum—respond to comments, like, share and comment on their posts, run alive streams, post polls and real-time questions to spark discussions, and repost others' content.

    social media marketing tips - examples of engaged accounts

    Use content cosmos tools

    Don't let anyone tell you that Instagram is the most visual social media platform. They all are! If you desire to stand out in a person's feed, you need to back-trail your posts with attractive visuals—photos, illustrations, text turned into art. Content creation tools like Canva have templates and features that permit you to quickly create visuals that expect professional, have your logo on them, and are consistent with your brand.

    Repurpose, repost, recycle

    Social media is a crowded identify, so if you desire to proceeds traction with your audition, you need to post cracking content regularly. The secret to doing this? The three Rs:

    • Repurpose: Create a Facebook post from a customer review, splice upwards a blog post into a serial of Tweets, distill a case report down into a customer spotlight on Instagram; plough a webinar deck into a carousel post on LinkedIn. The possibilities are endless.
    • Repost: To be done in moderation, but a great way to fill gaps in your content calendar. Repost on Instagram and retweet user-generated and influencer content. You lot tin can as well curate content from authoritative sources and share those links in your posts.
    • Recycle: Post your TikTok videos and Instagram Reels to YouTube; re-share your top-performing weblog posts every month to get in front of new followers; add your Facebook Live recordings to your YouTube aqueduct.

    social media marketing strategy - tip: upload slide decks to linkedin posts

    Curate your own feed

    We're e'er looking for ways to show up in others' feeds, simply nosotros forget that there is value to be derived from our ain. Follow your competitors then you tin can keep tabs on them, get ideas you tin adapt to your own strategy, and identify gaps you lot tin fill up. Follow influencers to stay on pinnacle of trends and educate yourself. Follow brands that share your values or that have corking content strategies for inspiration and outside the box ideas.

    Measure success with analytics

    Yous tin't make up one's mind the success of your social media marketing strategies without tracking data. Google Analytics can be used every bit a great social media marketing tool that volition help yous measure your most triumphant social media marketing techniques, as well equally make up one's mind which strategies are better off abased. Attach tracking tags to your social media marketing campaigns so that you can properly monitor them. And exist certain to apply the analytics within each social platform for even more insight into which of your social content is performing best with your audience.


    Among the many reasons to advertise on social media is that information technology is a highly cost-constructive mode to expand your reach. If yous play your cards correct, you lot tin get your content and offers in front of a huge audience at a very low cost. Most social media platforms offering incredibly granular targeting capabilities, allowing you to focus your upkeep on exactly the types of people that are about likely to be interested in your business. Below are some tips and resource for getting started with paid social media marketing:

    • Facebook ads
    • Pinterest ads
    • Instagram ads

    social media marketing - facebook ad example

    Speaking of Facebook Ads, how is your account actually performing? Find out with our Free Facebook Ads Functioning Grader.

    The best social media marketing platforms for business

    The best social media marketing platforms for business include Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat. Different social media marketing sites crave different approaches, so here's a cursory overview on each one—its user base, primary vibes, pros, cons, and content types.

    You can get a comprehensive look into each platform here: The Biggest, Baddest, Most Pop Social Media Platforms and How to Wield Their Power.

    best social media marketing platforms compared

    Click to view full-size.


    Facebook is the largest social media platform globally too as one of the biggest local business directories. People of a diverse range of age groups use it to communicate with friends and family, participate in groups and forums, find and visit businesses near them, and follow brands. Facebook is a peachy social media marketing platform to:
    • Build relationships with current customers
    • Denote hours changes, events, and milestones
    • Agree discussions and live streams
    • Marketplace to baby boomers
    social media marketing - facebook post example

    Organic reach on Facebook is limited, so if you lot're looking to generate leads or find new audiences, Facebook advert is your best bet.

    More resource for social media marketing on Facebook

    • 22 Budget-Friendly Facebook Marketing Tips
    • How to Promote Your Facebook Business Page for Free
    • Facebook Advertising Cheat Canvas
    • 62 Facebook Post Ideas to Increase Engagement


    You may non think of YouTube as a social media marketing channel, but it fits the bill: yous tin can postal service videos to your aqueduct; share, comment on, and like other videos, and follow other accounts yous similar. Plus, you have a curated feed in your homepage with recommended videos. The key to social media marketing on YouTube is not to endeavour to "become viral," but to add value. It'due south best for:

    • Tutorials, how-tos, and explainer videos
    • Shoppable YouTube alive streams
    • Ad (video ads and display ads on the platform)
    • SEO (video is dominating the "how to" SERP!)

    social media marketing on youtube - example of video in serp

    More than resources for social media marketing on YouTube

    • 8 YouTube SEO Tips to Rank Higher in Search
    • half dozen Tips for More than Assisting YouTube Advertisement
    • How to Employ YouTube to Promote Your Business organisation


    Though it came onto the scene years later on LinkedIn and Twitter, Instagram quickly surpassed those platforms and reached i billion monthly active users in 2018. It's pop for its diverse content formats, including Feed posts, Stories, Lives, Reels, and IGTV. People use Instagram to follow influencers and brands they buy from and who back up their personal values. Create your Instagram bio and so employ it for:

    • Social shopping
    • Influencer marketing
    • User-generated content
    • Company civilization

    The cost of Instagram ads is generally higher than on Facebook, merely the good news is that organic reach is besides higher.

    social media marketing platforms - instagram shop example

    More resources for social media marketing on Instagram:

    • Instagram Marketing Strategy 101: 4 Steps to Success
    • nineteen Instagram Reels Ideas to Abound Your Brand
    • v Instagram SEO Tactics to Rank Higher in 2022


    LinkedIn may be a professional network, but it's too an inspiring community that celebrates leadership, learning, and core values. So in addition to using it to network, find prospects, and share manufacture insights, it's too a great place to limited your company civilisation and build your personal brand in parallel with your business concern brand. In that location are tons of LinkedIn visitor page features to accept advantage of, so take care when building your folio. LinkedIn is a keen platform to:

    • Attract top talent
    • Network with partners, peers, and customers
    • Share company milestones and culture
    • Mail service industry news and insights

    social media marketing platforms - linkedin company page example

    More resources for social media marketing on LinkedIn:

    • A 3-Footstep Procedure for Generating Leads on LinkedIn
    • 10 LinkedIn Company Page Features Yous Need to Be Using
    • The Complete LinkedIn Advertising Cheat Canvas


    Twitter is a beautifully tangled network of quick thoughts, useful tidbits, and energized discussions. You should exist regularly agile on every social media platform, but information technology'south specially important hither. Many people use Twitter to go news, follow brands, and go customer service. Be certain to retweet when a customer has something nice to say nigh you, and don't forget to answer people'southward questions when possible. For effective social media marketing on Twitter, you may want to:

    • Follow influencers to go along up with news and trends.
    • Share a story through a series of Tweets in 1 thread.
    • Make yourself available for customer service and FAQs.

    social media marketing on twitter - examples of customer service on twitter

    More resources for social media marketing on Twitter:

    • How to Detect Your Erstwhile Tweets
    • 8 Twitter Features to Have Advantage of Now
    • 19 PPC Influencers You Need to Be Following


    Snapchat isn't simply for teens. Its largest age grouping (75%) ranges from xiii-34 and with Snap Maps, geofilters, and its partnership with Gannett, it's more locally-focused than you might think. While you can't build relationships on the platform, you can build an audience through fun images and curt videos. Use Snapchat for:

    • Location-based marketing
    • App marketing
    • Feel-proficient content

    social media marketing - snapchat post examples

    More resources for social media marketing on Snapchat:

    • The Ridiculously Useful Guide to Snapchat Ads
    • How to Create a Snapchat Business Account


    TikTok is the fastest growing social media platform of all time, taking only five years to reach ane billion monthly active users. While it's known for dancing, there are countless popular categories on the platform that continue to grow. Businesses are finding means to use information technology as a marketing channel, but just remember, the primary reason people use TikTok is for entertainment, and then make sure your videos align with that. Use TikTok to:

    • Participate in trending challenges
    • Post funny and inspiring videos
    • Exist relatable

    example of social media marketing on tiktok

    More resources for social media marketing on TikTok:

    • The Best Time to Post on TikTok & How It (Surprisingly) Compares to Instagram
    • nine Data-Backed Reasons to Be Marketing on TikTok
    • 5 Simple Steps to Gear up Your TikTok Ads

    Social media marketing courses

    You tin can notice our round-up of the best social media marketing courses hither, but these, of grade, are our favorites. Utilise them to increase your social media presence through organic and paid methods.

    LOCALiQ Social Media Marketing Lab

    LOCALiQ's Social Media Marketing Lab contains a wealth of information and ideas fit for whatever business, whether minor or large, local or national, starting from scratch or looking to amend. The complimentary grade provides:

    • A comparison of each platform's demographics, stats, and general atmosphere.
    • What and how often to postal service on each platform.
    • Profile requirements and optimization tips.
    • Over 131 mail service ideas and examples.

    localiq's social media marketing course screenshot

    Social Ads 101 [PPC University]

    WordStream's PPC University is your become-to if you're looking to take advantage of paid social media marketing. Typical tutorials and platform aid manufactures will become y'all started, but what about the more strategic aspects? PPC U courses are written past experts and influencers, with the goal of delivering tips, perspectives, and information you won't detect anywhere else.

    Social Ads 101 includes:

    • The benefits, metrics, and best practices of social media advert.
    • Crash courses on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok ads.
    • The tips and tricks of social selling on Facebook and Instagram.

    Facebook Ads 101 [PPC University]

    Also a part of PPC U, this Facebook Ads 101 class takes a deeper dive into intermediate and advanced subtopics, including:

    • Daily vs lifetime budgeting plus account optimization strategies.
    • Facebook advertizing types, audience targeting options, and scheduling.
    • Tips and resources to produce great Facebook advertisement re-create and creative.
    • How to use a full-funnel strategy to have down your competitors.

    Social media marketing services

    Every bit free and easy every bit each platform may be, a solid social media marketing strategy requires multiple platforms and oft a mix of organic and paid methods. This tin be resource-heavy, and while it's a expert trouble to take, the more you grow your audience using social media, the harder it volition exist to keep up. Social media marketing services come up in all kinds of shapes and sizes to help businesses get the most out of social media. For example:

    • Social media management software: Social media management platforms like HootSuite and Sprout Social use proprietary technology to help more experienced social media marketers streamline their processes and get avant-garde analytics.
    • Social media marketing agencies: Some agencies specialize in social media marketing only, like Akvertise or even but paid social advertising but.
    • Digital marketing agencies: Just every bit one platform doesn't practise information technology for social media marketing, one channel doesn't do it for overall marketing. Digital marketing agencies can assist yous to incorporate social media marketing into your broader strategy that includes email, website, SEO, and more.
    • Hybrid services: Some offer a mix of the to a higher place. For example, LOCALiQ's social advertising offerings apply proprietary technology to manage your strategy and allow you to focus on social alone or as part of a broader plan.

    Start prioritizing your social media marketing strategy

    Using social media in marketing does more than than better site traffic and increase your achieve. It turns your business into a personality that your audition tin communicate and connect with on a deeper level.

    Regardless of which platforms you use or how you apply them, the well-nigh important thing to remember is that social media is not a platform to pitch your business. It's a customs for you to limited your personality, demonstrate your values, share useful information, and build up those around you. With people naturally following you and promoting your content, there will be no demand for pitching. And with this arroyo, you'll accomplish non just your business goals but all of the other intangibles that translate to gratification and fulfillment.

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