How Social Media Affects School

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According to MediaPost, virtually 75% of teens in the U.S. will apply Facebook at least once a month this year. Equally the number of people who use Facebook and other forms of social media continues to rise, teens remain the largest pct of social media users. Only how does this affect their high school educational activity? Here are some positive and negative ways in which social media currently impacts the lives of high schoolers.

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Positive Effects

1. Communicating with Teachers

Many teachers are now using Facebook and Twitter to go on their students updated on assignments, post give-and-take questions, and provide additional educational information. While teachers and students view this as an constructive tool of advice, is it upwards to schoolhouse districts to determine the limits of communication policies outside the classroom. Naturally, the business concern lies in the fact that some teachers may become beyond the limits of professionalism when communicating with students in a manner other than contiguous. However, if used in an appropriate manner, social media postings by teachers are a great style to keep students updated on class assignments and get them learning beyond the classroom.

2. Choosing a College

In that location are now a number of social media resources for high school students and their parents to help them cull a college. For instance, Unigo allows electric current college students to review their higher so that prospective students can go a better idea of what the school is really similar. The College Blog Network directly links users to blogs nigh campus life written by students of that college. Even YouTube has an Teaching section with videos of lectures, pupil interviews, and promotional videos from hundreds of colleges and universities.

3. Practicing Freedom of Speech communication

In a study washed by the John South. and James L. Knight Foundation, 91 per centum of high school students who get news and information from social networking agreed with the statement that "people should be allowed to express unpopular opinions." The study involved 12,090 high school students from all over the nation. A printing release by the foundation included comments from students stating that social media makes it easier for them to post their opinions, which in plough gives them more appreciation and willingness to express those opinions in a public setting.

Negative Effects

1. Behavioral Difficulties

A study performed by Larry D. Rosen, Ph.D. of California State University constitute that teens who ofttimes use Facebook show more than narcissistic tendencies and signs of other psychological disorders, such as antisocial behavior or mania.Frequent overuse of media and technology can too negatively affect the overall health of teens by making them more prone to anxiety and depression. In improver, utilize of bright screens such equally those of computers or smartphones only before going to bed can oft atomic number 82 to sleep deprivation.

2. Cyber bullying

From a single person'due south mean comment to a hate group devoted to a specific person, cyber bullying is ane of the most unsafe aspects of social networking amongst loftier schoolers. Students feel more open to expressing hateful opinions behind the safety and possible anonymity of the Internet, which tin can allow mean comments and groups to flourish.

iii. Lark

The same study by Dr. Rosen also suggests that social media negatively impacts learning. High school students who checked Facebook at least one time during a 15-minute written report menses had lower academic operation. However, other studies such as this one at Northwestern University accept not plant a significant connection between social media usage and academic performance.

The touch on of social media on high school students can be positive or negative, depending on how a student uses its capabilities. If a student but wastes time reading one status update after another, he or she will probably not have as much fourth dimension to devote to homework, nor the attention span to do so. Yet, high schoolhouse students can too use social media positively to connect with young man students, teachers, and prospective colleges and explore the wealth of educational information and diverse opinions shared on the World wide web.

Ariel Stevenshold a Masters Degree in Social Work and writes nearly various topics related to our Social Society. She is the owner of the site Masters Degree In Social Work.

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