My Furniture Is Sticky After the Appropriate Time for Drying

  • Pam Pam on December 17, 2015

    Non Miramax ...Minwax penetrating stain, wiped on with a rag.

    • Maybe a fan would dry information technology?

  • You can offset using a blow dryer on a warm setting, but don't hold it to shut to the forest. Or a fan even in a warm dry space, will work simply too and you don't take to stand at that place holding information technology :)

  • you lot can reapply stain allow sit a few and wipe...information technology volition loosen excess stain, if I understand what you are asking.

    • Come across 5 previous
    • Stain won't dry if it's not wiped off. The solvents evaporate and you are left with viscous pigment. Lacquer thinner or mineral spirits or another coat volition remove it. Ever wipe off excess!

  • Pam Pam on Dec 17, 2015

    Maybe I tin can do both of these and it will all work out. Thanks to all.

    • Meet 1 previous
    • Faye Faye on Mar 12, 2020

      I applied some mini wax on kitchen cabinets, last night, still viscous not drying in wood, I varnish over, should I remove all varnish and start over fresh

  • Your trouble may exist 2 coats.. Outdoor stains are recommended with ane Glaze,, Our neighbors had the same issue the time they tried to exercise two on their deck..pasty mess.. I'm not sure if the aforementioned event hither. They did theirs as directed, few days later some other summer redo,, as of clay and dust and footprint attracted stuff.. Not certain if this will assistance..skilful luck

  • mineral spirits or lacquer thinner on a rag and wipe. Should accept off excess. Wanda is right, stains only demand 1 glaze. If yous want darker, use darker stain. Woods can only absorb so much. The second coat is not absorbed, but merely sits on top of the 1st coat. That'due south why it's not drying.

    • Meet 2 previous
    • Non in anyhow you desire it as well. It will eventually but forms a crust like the salt a the Dead Bounding main or great salt lake. It'due south awful

  • The key word is penetrating. Two coats over saturate the timber and volition demand extra time to be absorbed. Yous risk ruining your work if you do anyting more until it dries naturally.

  • I had this happen with my dresser project. I tried the stain reapplication/wipe off and it did help, but the light rub with mineral spirit rag is what finally did the play a trick on. Skillful luck!

  • If the min wax stain was oil based, mineral spirits or paint thinner (same matter)..on a rag...wipe off the backlog that didn't soak in. Then your problem solved.....

    • See 1 previous
    • Helen Helen on Jun 28, 2020

      That didnt work for me

  • Hi Pam. All the higher up answers, mineral spirits etc., are correct. Practiced luck!

  • Dick Dick on Dec 18, 2015

    The surface volition be gluey if you didn't wipe it down plenty xv minutes later on application. Take a dry rag after 24 hours and wipe down the surface. The remaining stain will come up off. Don't rush the procedure. The surface will shine subsequently wiping.

  • Endeavour rut lamp to warm the woods

    • See ane previous
    • Dont use heat . Do non.

      Try a fan. Or some of the other ideas.

  • Nancy Nancy on Dec 18, 2015

    No heat lamp! Fire adventure. Try reapplying a modest amount of stain over the tacky stain and immediately wipe it off. Your color should deepen very much, if at all.

  • If merely tacky, not wet, try Pledge or similar - I've done this with painted surfaces and shellac/poly surfaces, and it lets me handle them without sticking or damage :-)

    • Helen Helen on May 12, 2019

      I have that problem now. I used a gel stain offset, color wasn't dark enough, so used stain by Rust-oleum drys 3x faster in 30 min, but AFTER x hrs. still tacky...I read if lemon oil is wiped on will solve bug but haven't seen more than ane recommendation on that thought! Got whatsoever imput on that idea?

  • Usually needs 24 hours to cure. Y'all could try putting a fan blowing on them.

  • Is information technology damp there? If so it volition take a picayune longer to dry. Be patient. I wouldn't utilize a heat lamp could chimera your piece.

  • To help dry the stain, turn on a fan to remove wet out of the air. More humid the room, the longer information technology takes to dry out. I've also used Fast Drying Polyurethane Varnish to seal the stain and help it to dry quickly. The varnish tin exist applied over the tacky stain. And will dry clear. I did 2 coats on a banister within an hr.

  • I could also be to the temperature,,,, cool temps and high humidity or dampness create issues for drying on some stains and paints.... garage and basements sometimes have issues specially at certain times of the year..

  • I had this problem and my son suggested putting polyurethane on meridian of it. It worked! It's completely dry and looks beautiful.

    • See 1 previous
    • Did you use the spray polyurethane by chance? I'one thousand having the same problem and was going to try the spray.

  • A fan may assist -- merely really you but have to be more than patient.

  • Hold a hair dryer on information technology for a while or identify the wood in a small room and use space heaters to go the temp up enough to dry the wood faster and de-humidify the air

    • Dont utilise pilus dryer . Dangerous.

  • You can utilise a universal dewaxed sealer fabricated by Zinnser or Parks over the top of the stain. Information technology volition seal and dry quickly. You tin and then employ your polyurethane. Keep in mind that although appearing dry, the underlying stain is still non cured. That volition have upwards to 30 days to do so underneath the seal glaze and poly coatings. So, light traffic and no heavy items should be placed on the flooring.

  • Pam Pam on Dec 20, 2015

    Actually had to wait 2 days only it did finally dry. Set up a heater in garage. Wow, two coats took a very long time to dry. Thanks for all the tips.

  • I get the aforementioned problem when i bear upon upward scratches. I use a soft cloth and spray Bona hardwood flooring cleaner on the cloth or wood, and wipe gently, this with become rid of the stickiness right away.

  • Exercise I put the fast drying sealer on with the cheesecloth?

  • i applied minwax woods stain white wash pickling to my wicker burrow . Did not wipe off because seemed like wicker was absorbing stain. Well it'due south been 7 days and it'southward still tacky. What can I do.

    • Yep, 1 week and even so tacky in most areas of the cabinet.

  • Lightly sand and requite some other coat if it'south boiling it will stay tacky

  • I used a 220 dust sand block and lightly went over areas that were tacky. So far has worked. Is in that location a certain polyurethane that should be used on a front door?

  • M Thou on May 08, 2019

    Have you tried to run a fan and or a dehumidifier? It'south possible the first cost wasn't dry enough before y'all applied the 2nd glaze. Requite information technology another 24 hrs with fans. If it'southward still tacky y'all may demand to offset over . I certain hope not but if you practice be sure to apply thin and let to dry completely before calculation boosted coats.

  • Helen Helen on May 12, 2019

    My trouble is solved! I decided to try the suggestion of rapidly wiping them down with more stain being certain to wipe off all the backlog, then to wait overnight to see if they would dry...the adjacent solar day b4 I did annihilation else to my lower kitchen cabinets I checked them, & thank goodness they are dry out! I'm so lucky because I had previously applied 2 coats of GF gel stain with 1 coat of GF poly on cabinets! I didn't sand b4 applying the Rust-olem Wood Stain ontop, I just wiped over them apace with a course dish sponge! The GF gel stain Coffee was too calorie-free...that's why I decided to hazard information technology & try the Rust-oleun Forest Stain(Epony)every bit the final coat, simply after that scare of them not drying in the same time given on the can was worth the overnight wait! They are now dry and the color is at present darker matching my new cabinets(Espresso) perfectly! I'm not sure if I volition attempt the upper cabinets...the way the light hits the room you lot tin can't tell that they are slightly lighter, just it did on the lower ones b4 applying the final stain...I'k just glad it worked out!

    • Encounter 2 previous
    • I believe your problem was caused past mixing oil-based Minwax penetrating stain and so using a water-based GF poly on peak..... this can atomic number 82 to pasty messes when y'all mix oil and water.... it remains pasty. You would be meliorate to employ the Minwax meridian glaze which is oil-based.

      This is also true when painting, if you apply a water-based paint over an oil-based one yous tin get a pasty mess.... utilise a primer similar Bulls Eye before putting latex over an old oil pigment.

  • Helen Helen on Jul 02, 2019

    My cabinets dried only later on applying another coat of stain and so wiping all the excess off the cabinets every bit I went b4 they could become tacky once again...the side by side morning they were dry out with no flaws! So you'll have to stain them again & don't forget to wipe off the excess equally you go b4 they go tacky! I hope that helps you!

  • You didn't mix it enough (correctly)

  • I didn't sand mine enough to begin with so the stain wasn't able to absorb into the wood. It simply sat on the surface and stayed tacky. I ended up spraying piece of furniture wax on it and using a rag, wiped off the stain very hands. Now I'g dorsum to foursquare one... amend than viscous.

  • After seeing I didn't accept anything on my shelves recommended in the answers except White potato's wood lather. I applied the soap and to my astonishment, the sticky layer disappeared and a smooth surface emerged to the impact. You lot accept to try information technology!

  • Of course I worked the soap in with a lightly damp rag that removed any excess stain and wiped treated areas dry. The immediate end result was a beautifully stained surface completely dry and smoothen to the touch. If your rag becomes saturated with stain, discard and continue with a fresh 1.

    • I know it'southward been a calendar month since y'all posted just I'one thousand about to effort what you did and was wondering afterwards working the Irish potato's soap lightly onto the wood did wipe away excess with dry or damp cloth? Seeing it'due south soap and all wasn't sure if residue would be left behind...

  • I had the same problem after my cabinets had a week to dry. They were withal gummy. I couldn't get out and didn't have Potato's oil soap or mineral spirits. I had bully success spraying them lightly with olive oil cooking spray and wiping off. They are nice and shiny with no sticky residue.

  • After 2 days my dining chairs were yet sticky. I used quondam English furniture oil on an erstwhile oily rag that I use to

    polish my furniture . It immediately took off all the viscid coats of stain and my piece of furniture looks neat.

  • Later on ii days my chairs were withal sticky. I knew I had made a mistake. So I used erstwhile English furniture oil and an quondam oily rag that I used to oil my furniture. It removed the mucilaginous glaze and my furniture looks not bad.

  • Faye Faye on Mar 12, 2020

    I practical some mini wax varnish on kitchen cabinets last nighttime, 1 coat, still pasty and moisture. Similar not drying in. Should I wait or try to accept off

  • Marcy Marcy on Mar 12, 2020

    How do I remove grout that got on wood window frame

    • John John on Mar 28, 2020

      Sand it

  • Hullo,

    I sanded my desk-bound and then stained it with vanthurane stain. The next twenty-four hour period it was even so tacky. I stained information technology incorrectly. Withal, I sanded it downwards again just not completely. Tin can I paint it now with interior paint?

    thanks in advance.

  • i put stain over already stained paneling and days afterward information technology was tacky/ oily. Everywhere I asked what to do it was strip, sand and reapplied! Hell No! There has to be a better answer. This morning I woke up and thought dish liquid ... so I made a wet soapy rag and lightly ran over the paneling , in sections, followed by drying with a paper towel. Guess what? It worked! Some stain came of on the rag, very minimally. But it isn't tacky at all anymore.

    • Run into ii previous
  • I have a similar problem. The oak I am using is very uneven absorbing the stain from piece to piece. I put three coats of stain on, the terminal one very thick and I dearest the way information technology looks now. I know about of information technology is sitting on top of the wood similar paint and it's not formulated to do this. Whatever way possible to merely permit it dry and spray it with poly or shellac to seal information technology and lock the color in place? It's a spice rack.

  • Hi there,

    Go out it longer. If not dry inside the week, either leave it nevertheless longer.

  • Hi Pam, yous tin can use automobile wax to help with tacky paint. Simply utilize information technology with a clean textile and rub it in circular motions over the tacky surface. Await about x minutes for the wax to dry and remove any excess wax with a buffing material to remove. Talcum powder volition as well work.

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